Shines Children’s Foundation entirely operates under Volunteerism, we engage and rely on dedicated persons/Volunteers who voluntarily given in their time and talents to support us reach our mission. Can we ask you, your family, church members, and other corporate persons and friends to give a hand in giving hope to these orphans and vulnerable children here in Uganda, Africa?
While volunteering, we shall match your Interest and talent, time, and your availability into our programs. If you are interested in Volunteering from Home, please consider Volunteering online (we are partners with UN On-Line Volunteering.
If you are currently in Uganda and you would love to visit our projects here in Masindi, kindly contact us and indicate the exact program you are interested in and we shall get back to you as soon as possible
You might be here in Uganda for an adventure, you can do some challenging events, say climbing a mountain, running, Music dance and Drama, Or you are in your homeland and you can organize a dinner, fundraising events, Please consider making it an opportunity to give hope to African child by raising funds, create awareness. Feel free to contact us for more information.
We are developing a network of young and old people who can always raise awareness and raise funds for shines! These groups will be linked to our teams in the UK and Uganda directly. If you are interested to learn about this opportunity.
Shines Children’s Foundation work will entirely curry on by the donations persons all over the world. It’s through this that every penny you give in counts! You can be part of this team of resource mobilization through the following ways
e.g. babies’ birthday and friend’s one or an event which can be an anniversary, wedding parties, you can tell people who would need to buy gifts for you to instead buy gifts to Shines Children’s Foundation.
walking, swimming, rugby playing, sell off unwanted items in your house on eBay, and donate the proceeds. Get your friends involved, you can host a coffee morning, Cake stall, or dinner party and you charge an entry fee or for the sold items. Contact us for the resources you can use at your event
is that we shall commit to high standards, be respectful and trustworthy and account for every money fundraised